(L70) Speech 10 – Love, Love, Love!

This is my tenth speech for the RPC. It accidentally got cut into two videos because my camera ran out of space and so I have to post a pt. 1 and a pt. 2 but that’s alright!

I have really been focusing on trying not to use filler words and I cannot seem to get this down. When I do follow my speech word for word I sound like something along the lines of a robot, but when I don’t, I sound more like a vlogger than a speaker. I am struggling to find a happy medium and it will come with practice.
I hope you guys enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Comment, share and like – thanks again for listening and God Bless.


(L65) 5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Adopt A Cat!

This is my ninth speech for the Public Speaking course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. I really enjoyed this one, because I feel that I took a fun and unique spin on giving a “household product pitch”. Let me know what you guys think. Like, share, comment and please be sure to let me know if you have a cat, and how it has impacted your life! (If you don’t have a cat, why not? How has that impacted your life/what do you think would be different if you did have one?)
Thanks for listening and sharing your input. God Bless!

(L60) The Ultimate (PorcFest) Proposal

This is my eighth speech for the public speaking course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This week I was tasked with telling a story that included props, or visual aids. I had planned on including photos as well, but my printer was on the fritz so I stuck with the dress and the ring! 🙂 Let me know what you guys think. Like, share and as always, comment away!

(L50) Why Abortion is an Atrocity

This is my sixth essay for the Public Speaking course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This was the first video that I actually did not rehearse or write before speaking and posting. I did one run through and then this video. It is more emotionally fueled than most of my videos which I tend to try and avoid, BUT that being said, I offered plenty of facts to back up my emotions.
The information I used was taken from a multitude of sources, and some of the information did come from past knowledge. The websites that I directly quoted or used statistics from were:





As always, like comment and share! Thank you sonyafaith16 for the topic suggestion and if you, or anyone else has anything they would like to hear me speak about please let me know!!

Thanks for listening. God Bless!

(L45) The Lion & The Mouse: Aesop’s Fable

This is my fifth speech, and it covers an Aesop’s Fable known as The Lion and The Mouse. This was the first time I have ever retold someone else’s story, rather than telling a speech I had written myself. I was also tasked with including movement, and grand gestures. Because of this, my sentences became incomplete, and I tended to use the word “and” a lot, no matter how many times I re-did my speech.
I could always use constructive criticism or tips that anyone has to offer! Be sure to comment, like and share if you feel so compelled.
Thanks so much for listening, and God Bless.

(L40) Fallacies of Homeschooling

This is my fourth speech for the public speaking course of the Ron Paul Curriculum, and I decided to cover some of the fallacies of homeschooling. It would literally take me years to cover them all, so I chose only four. Each quote I have chosen is something that has been said to me personally, and I am sure a lot of you have heard them too!
If there are any things that you guys would like to add, please comment! I love to hear about others’ experiences. Thanks for listening and please be sure to like, comment and share! If there are any topics you guys would like to hear me talk about, tell me! I would be thrilled to take requests. God Bless!

(L35) Police Brutality – Speech 3

I am still really working on my speech skills, but this is by far the most important topic and story I have covered yet. This is only my third speech, and I can’t help but feel I haven’t done the story justice.
Please give it a listen, comment and share! Let me know what you guys think.
I also want to give a huge shout out to John Miner for letting me cover this story, and giving me an interview last minute! He is by far one of the most outstanding people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life; I wish you all the best with your lawsuit and I will spread the word of your story as best I can!
Also, I did mis-quote Miner at at one point when I said “I could have been murdered by the slip of a finger or a sneeze”, the actual words he used were “mortally wounded”.

(L30) Learning Through Experience! Homeschool Vs. Public School (Through My Average Day)

This is my second speech for the Public Speaking course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. It focuses on learning through experience, and what my average day looks like as a homeschooler.
Unfortunately, I did end up speaking a bit faster than I would have liked, and I will have to work on that for my future speeches. I also went slightly over my projected time limit, which I will have to be more conscious of next time as well.
We also got an unplanned guest appearance/disruption from my kitten Rocky (yes, like Balboa)!
Be sure to like, subscribe and comment any constructive criticisms! It is all very helpful for me to improve upon my speech skills.
Thanks for listening and God Bless!