The Liebster Award 2016

About The Liebster Award: The Liebster Award 2016 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers.


1: Thank the blog who nominated you and link back to them (don’t forget to comment on this post so I can check out your answers).

2: Make a blog post outlining 11 facts about you,

3: Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.

4: Prepare 11 questions for those you will nominate.

5: Nominate 5-11 new bloggers (those who have less than 200 followers) by commenting in one of their blog posts.


Thank you to both Allison at School Essays and Jada at Jada’s Blog for nominating me and my blog for the Liebster Award. I was definitely not expecting it, and it means a great deal to me!


11 Facts About Me:

  1. I LOVE Jesus! He is my Lord & Savior, and I have dedicated my life to him.
  2. I got engaged when I was sixteen, and I am (soon to be) married at eighteen! I am so blessed to have found my soulmate this early in life ❤
  3. I want tons of kids! I am madly in love and I can’t wait to have a family!
  4. Animals are my joy, my calling and my passion! I am working towards becoming a service dog trainer, and I am so grateful to be employed at a doggy daycare now!
  5. I have a cat named Rocky; he loves to walk on a leash and he sits on command for treats. Rocky also enjoys wearing cat-sized t-shirts.
  6. New England will always be my home at heart! (Go Pats!)
  7. Taxation is theft, and I want to abolish the government.
  8. I homeschooled online for my last few years of high school.
  9. Fall is my favorite time of the year, and not just because pumpkin is delicious.
  10. I want to have my own dog rescue/shelter one day.
  11. I want to live on a farm of rescue animals, all my own to love and care for!


My answers to Allison’s questions:

  1. Were you looking forward to answering these questions? Yes!
  2. Who is your role model? Jesus Christ ❤
  3. How long have you had a blog? A few years.
  4. Have you always had the idea of blogging in your mind? I have always been a writer but I have not always been a dedicated blogger 🙂 so I guess I would say no.
  5. Do you listen to music very often? Every single day!
  6. Do you view friendship as something to cherish? Absolutely.
  7. Favorite quote? It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.
  8. Favorite flower? Tiger Lilies
  9. Favorite person in history? Jesus 🙂
  10. Would you prefer writing something or making a craft? I love to do both but I would probably rather make a craft on any given day.
  11. How long did it take you to answer these questions? Maybe a minute or two.

My answers to Jada’s questions:

  1. What do you believe? I believe in the power of Jesus Christ, God and the Holy Spirit!
  2. Why do you believe what you believe? Because Jesus personally saved me. He shows me his love and mercy every day.
  3. What do you want in life? I want to make God, and my husband proud of me. I would love to be a mother almost more than anything; and I would also love to train service dogs.
  4. What matters most to you? God, family, and animals.
  5. What purpose do you find in life? God has a plan for me, and that is more than enough to keep me going.
  6. What defines you? I am an extremely strong willed and opinionated person. I am loyal to the death of me, and I am not afraid to go against the crowd if it means doing the right thing. You could say I’m a rebel 😉
  7. What are the three most important goals in your life? Serving God, Serving God, and Serving God
  8. How do you view the world? The world is a sad, dark, broken, lost place that we must endure; however it is a place to learn, and grow. Darkness only offers the opportunity to bring light. We can bring light into a dark place here, so I see the world as an opportunity to do good.
  9. What are three things you dislike? I dislike sin, which pretty much covers all three things.
  10. What are three things you like? I like (love) God, my family, and animals – also freedom, but I know that’s four things!
  11. How would you describe yourself? Hard working, adventurous and outgoing; maybe a little fun and ridiculous too. More than anything though, I’m an empath.

My Questions to the blogs I nominated:

  1. What matters most to you?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. What is the most powerful emotion?
  4. What is your dream career/job?
  5. Where, in your opinion, is the most beautiful place on earth?
  6. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
  7. What is your favorite song/band/genre at the moment?
  8. What would your dream vacation look like?
  9. If you could change any one thing about the world, what would it be?
  10. What is your best/favorite recipe (for anything!)?
  11. What is one cause you support and/or would like to bring more attention to?

My nominees are:

(If you have already been nominated by someone else and I was unaware then disregard!)







(L95) In 20 Years I Will…

“The lifestyle I want 20 years from now”

In 20 years time (if we all survive on earth that much longer), I will be 37 years old. By this time, I will hope to have accomplished the majority of my goals (and maybe some dreams too)!

First and foremost, I would love to have a big family! This would mean as many kids as Carmine and I could comfortably afford, (no grandkids yet, but hopefully they wouldn’t be too far off in the distance). They will be raised in the outdoors, making forts and mud pies rather than downloading apps and begging for the latest trending toy. They will all be homeschooled, and our children will learn through true experience like we all should have!

To go along with our large and well functioning household, it would be a dream to carry out everyday life self-sustainably. (I’ve always lived on a farm in my heart!) We would have goats for milk and cheese (it is much healthier for humans than cow milk and/or cheese). Horses for riding and plowing fields. (Not only are they good work animals, but they are extremely therapeutic; knowing how to ride, care for and work with horses are fantastic skills to have.) I certainly wouldn’t complain if I was allowed to have a donkey or mule either! Chickens (and roosters) would certainly be a must; I’ve had them before and not only are they great for waking you up before your alarms do, but the eggs are delicious. There is a difference between meat chickens and egg chickens contrary to common knowledge, and it would be possible we could have meat chickens to sell to others. I just don’t think I would be able to eat an animal I raised, and I am not huge on meat anyways.

Last but not least, I hope that Carmine and I may have both achieved our career goals and fulfilled our callings. This would mean, most importantly, that we will have our own liberty based church. Carmines indisputable calling from God is to be a preacher, and I couldn’t be more proud of his persistent studies and growing relationship with The Lord. We have both grown so close to our Creator since we were born again in May of 2015 and I can’t even imagine the things that could happen within the next 20 years! As I am still unsure of my calling, I do know that it is either to bake, or to work with animals. I have always had a special relationship with animals, mostly dogs, and God has used them to touch and greatly affect my life since I was born. On the other hand however, I feel that I am being drawn to bake, and decorate. I am not quite sure of the significance of this yet, and only time will tell. I sure hope that 20 years is enough to find out! It would be beyond my wildest dreams to have a dog rescue animal rescue in general); a farm would make fantastic space for a dog sanctuary as well.

The one thing that I am sure of is that God will grant Carmine and I exactly what we need in this life, and that is all that I could ever ask for. Only time will tell quite what that means!

(L20) The Worth of Time Vs. Money

Is it worth my time to get a part-time job at the minimum wage?

Right now, I am a full time high school student. Just this month I began my first volunteering endeavor, and I spend as much of my off-time as possible at the local no-kill animal shelter. I have been on a rigorous job hunt, and would be willing to shift my schedule around a full time job if it was available to me. A part-time job would be more convenient at this time in my life, however. As a senior, getting out on my own is nearly the top thing on my priority list, and to do so, I would need income, and savings to support myself. Currently, it would absolutely be worth my time to get a part time job at minimum wage; but, in the long-run, a full time job would be much more beneficial.