Is God Real & Where is The Proof? Part One: The First Day

Quick background info: Since graduating high school I no longer have weekly writing assignments. I have grown to really love blogging and so in order to continue I am getting all of my topics/questions from my readers, friends and family! I will be posting polls occasionally, and I would love to hear your opinion! If you also have ideas for other segments you would like to see blogged about I would be interested in taking those suggestions as well.
If you are interested in submitting your answers to the poll for this series (it is only one question as of right now), you can access it while it is still live at
I hope that anyone coming across this will read what I have to say with an open mind, no matter what you believe in. To ask open-mindedness of you and not exercise it myself would be just wrong, so I welcome all questions and debates gladly. In my opinion (and experience), the best way to make discoveries is by challenging what you’ve come to know and believe. 

Is God real? This is the most simple, difficult question that has ever existed, if you ask me.

Well, not only do I believe that God is real, but I know it for a fact; He is very much alive and at work all around us in the world today. I know that God is real because He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to earth to live and die on the Cross for you and I. The life of Jesus and everything that He did for us is recorded within the Holy Bible. I know that the recounted events in the Bible are accurate because the book as a whole has been scientifically, mathematically and historically proven to be accurate time and time again.

I know that a common misconception about Christians is that we all believe science is foolish and/or that we ignore facts. Well friends, I am here to tell you exactly the opposite. In fact, science constantly supports the Word of God! One of the greatest (and most easily observed) examples of this can be found in the creation of the very earth you’re standing on!

Think back to everything you ever learned about the Big Bang. If you’re unfamiliar, this is the theory that out of nothing, a hot and dense area (referred to as the singularity) was materialized. Within a fraction of a fraction of a second, at this focal point the ‘Big Bang’ occurred and the universe was born. (What?!) The entire universe, born from nothing in “less than a hundredth of a billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second” (Chow). Scientists don’t know quite much more than this about the very beginning of our universe. They cannot say or prove how the singularity came to be, or what caused it to start the Big Bang.

So, in short, scientists have no solid claims or evidence as to how the universe really began in the first place. Knowing that humans cannot create life from non-life as a divine and Holy God could (and did), it is safe to assume that we are not God. We are not the creators of this universe, and it is impossible to evolve (even spiritually) to this degree of power and authority. Obtaining this very information has caused many scientists have come out and say that the creation of the universe physically could only have been caused/completed by a “divine being,” or “God” (Wolper).

This is the truth that I have come to know and believe: Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach is the very God that these scientists have come to speak undeniably of. I know that the Bible truly is the inspired Word of God because it is only solidified, strengthened and proven true when matched up with scientific/historical facts. In Genesis, the very first chapter of the (KJV) Bible, we read how God describes the first day of creation:

(1) In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
(2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
(3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
(4) And God saw the light, that it was good:and God divided the light from the darkness.
(5) And God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

We already know that God created the heavens and the earth because unbiased scientific fact has proven that there are no other possible alternatives to a divine being. So as for Genesis 1:1, science and the Bible agree. We also know that before the creation of the universe, (with the exception of God) nothing existed; there was simply empty space and void. So, according to Genesis 1:2, current scientific theory also coincides with biblical worldview perfectly.

Years worth of the intensive research has also proven that during the Big Bang, tremendous amounts of light were created by tiny electrons glowing all at once. (Think  of a symphony; one instrument wouldn’t be much to hear, but a whole universe of instruments could certainly put on a show!) Not to mention the fact that the earth and the sun were created around the same time as one another. The Big Bang timeline obeys the exact recorded biblical command of God in Genesis flawlessly; He said Let there be light, and most certainly there was (Wolper)!

After exploring the first day of creation, we can surely conclude that science has supported every single biblical claim presented to the tee. Thus far, it is undeniable that the bible is in fact scientifically and factually sound. I believe it is also important to restate that the Big Bang theory does not disprove God, rather it exhibits the results of one of the Creator’s greatest commands of all time.

Science is a tool for humanity, especially the Christian community. In my opinion, we should embrace and study it; otherwise it is liable to become misunderstood, and used as a weapon against us. A Christian with true faith knows that our God is scientific, and a meticulous planner. No number of mathematics formulas or soil testing can disprove his divine knowledge or creation because everything that is, is from Him. All patterns, formulas and anomalies point to God because they were made by God, and I challenge anyone who believes otherwise to attempt scientifically disproving the presence/existence of God. I know that I can prove what I believe, can you?

Seeking truth is what led me to faith, but faith is what finally taught me truth.
I can only hope and pray that something so beautiful and powerful will happen to you too.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: physical and visible/measurable facts are not the only way to prove the existence of God. Personal experience/testimony of Jesus Christ, God (Yahweh), and the Holy Spirit are some of the strongest and most influential pieces of evidence that someone can share. Although I have chosen to focus on the raw and factual basics for now, I will absolutely share my testimonies and experiences of the spiritual realm at some point in the near future. I do want to encourage everyone reading this to take the time to consider the possibility that God created the universe, the earth and you! If you ask God for the truth with your whole heart and you’re seeking Him in faith, God will reveal Himself unto you. Maybe He is speaking to you now, and maybe He has been speaking to you for a long time. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by finding the truth for yourself!

Embrace truth, love, light, and life always! May God Bless You!

Related Verses/Verses to Consider:

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 

James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and He will draw night to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Please feel free to ask any personal or spiritual questions (about God or otherwise) that you think of upon reading this. All other questions are welcome too and I will do my best to answer them! As always, I love feedback of all types so tell me what you think! Anyone looking for one-on-one discussion can reach me by email at





Chow, Denise. “The Universe: Big Bang to Now in 10 Easy Steps.”, 18 Oct. 2011. Web. 23 May 2016. <;.

Wolper, David L. “Genesis And Science: More Aligned Than You Think?”The Huffington Post., 25 May 2011. Web. 23 May 2016. <;.

Comprehension: Shakespeare vs. King James Bible (L55)

Is it easier to read Shakespeare or the King James Bible?

Although Shakespeare’s writings and the King James Bible are both quite difficult reads due to the language use, I find that Shakespeare is much easier to comprehend. I believe that this is most likely due to the break down of the text into play format. The dialogue makes the language easier to decipher, because the context is more clear when broken up into small sections (as spoken by characters). The King James Bible however uses slightly simpler words at times, and the sentences are generally more like today’s English than Shakespeare’s plays are. This makes it easier to read, but slightly harder to understand, because it isn’t in the form of a story like a play; The King James Bible is harder to follow.

Covenant Sanctions: The King James Bible (L50)

The idea of covenant sanctions is crucial to understanding the key messages of the King James Bible. There are both the positive and negative sanctions of man, and god. Man is to practice what he preaches, and what Jesus preaches. Upon either doing or not doing so, man undergoes the wrath or grace of god, as well as the wrath or grace of himself. Every decision has consequences, both of god and man. It is not enough to live inwardly holy, it must be put out into the world around man as well; should a man continue on the path of righteousness throughout his life, he should prosper after perseverance. The King James Bible is a call for righteousness and subordination, and however man decides to respond, he shall in turn be responded to as well.