Areas That I Can Exercise Leadership During The Next Year (Written by Justice)

Justice's school blog

One area that I think I could exercise more leadership during the next year would be on the Ron Paul Curriculum Discussion forum.  This forum has been mistreated in many ways.  It was designed for students to communicate with one another.  Unfortunately some of the students have misused it, as well as some technical issues that need to be resolved. One of these is the fact that parents have no way to know what is going on, other than looking through every single post.

Although Ron Paul started this curriculum, I don’t think he is still in charge. The reason of this being that so many parents have requested that a few things be changed and nothing has been done about it.  Another thing that would be nice would be every one co-operating and not supporting foolish talk.  Also there should be either more moderators or, just one that can…

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5 thoughts on “Areas That I Can Exercise Leadership During The Next Year (Written by Justice)

  1. I read your post, “The Truth About Gary North and the Ron Paul Curriculum”. If one word could describe how I felt about it, that word would be respect. I agreed 100% with everything you stated in that post and believe all of it to be true. It’s ridiculous how he is using his students to promote the RPC and make money off of us. I just wanted to thank you for what you did there and let you know that you’re not alone. Keep being yourself Lillian, and don’t let a self-centered man like Gary North tell you differently.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! This means very much to me and I appreciate your feedback 🙂 it would be great to see other students share their own personal experiences as well! By myself I may not have accomplished much but so many people have come out to support me! Our voices will be heard! Now, or when it is too late to save his business; that is all up to Gary North.


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